Hello, my name is Laura Clay. I was born on February 9, 1849 in Richmond, Kentucky. My parents were Cassius Clay and Mary Jane Warfield Clay. I was president of the Kentucky woman suffrage association. I was also famous for being a member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. I also was the first president of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. In 1920, I was the first woman to be ever nominated for president of the United States. I never married which was unusual at the time.
My accomplishments made a difference because I helped woman be able to buy property, I also helped woman be able to control their income and also made it possible for woman to make wills.
Two of my famous quotes are: “suffrage is God’s cause and God leads our plans” and “I feel rebellious, sometimes I think I have a mind superior to any boy my age.”
I died June 29, 1941 and am buried in the Lexington Cemetery along with Henry Clay.
Posted by: Pinkgirl
I liked your post but those close look awful! I wouldn't want to ware it!